Profit Humanity: The Only INT’L Business Model

YouTube’s Global Knowledge Leader Engages 8 Billion People to Invest in the Public Trust

What Works vs. What Doesn’t Work. Dave Campbell’s Road-map to Restore Public Trust in Leadership with Strategy Befitting POTUS ’47. Follow Me, I’m On It Now. Here’s How WE Invest in We the People

Chris Ellis Produced Funcle Speaks Videos. Campbell, D. (2021, February 13). Funcle speaks: At the dead end. YouTube.

To Win Over 8 Billion Hearts to a Single Cause? First, We Identify Stupidity, Globally Calling Out the Destroyers of Gross Domestic Product. Hey Billionaire! GDP Serves Humanity’s Free Market Needs!

Anything that is destroying PUBLIC TRUST is also destroying our Gross Domestic Product. So, identify diminishing our wealth, our health or our resources as STUPID. I have identified this destructive force as grand collusion; any criminal business model that works to control free markets.

Digital Tyrants are Rapidly Forming a Billionaire Nobility and Destroying US and Global Free Markets

Digital Tyranny is a systemic closed loop that trades ethics and allegiance for dirty money using ITIL and the Sox Act. Hype driven by centuries old oligarch financial terrorism, “hires” Iconic Technology or TV Personalities to posture EV, AI as critical to national security, and so amass wealth off spending bills that steals US Consenting Governed GDP money in the form of subsidies and pays these subsidies to criminals who plot to destroy our freedom and liberty. Their goal? Marshall Law, remove citizens, and land grab.

Digital Tyrants Use Iconic Tech Leaders and TV Personalities to Hype then Gain Control of Markets, after which they DESTROY the ICONS PUBLICLY

Accessed February 1, 2024 from Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg apologizes to parents at online child safety senate hearing #Shorts. YouTube. (2024, January 31).

Ancient Financial Terrorism Well Documented, But Somehow Preachers Helped Icons Loot the People

2The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they all lie in wait for blood; they hunt every man his brother with a net.

3That they may do evil with both hands earnestly, the prince asketh, and the judge asketh for a reward; and the great man, he uttereth his mischievous desire: so they wrap it up.

4The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge: the day of thy watchmen and thy visitation cometh; now shall be their perplexity.

Book of Micah Chapter 7 vs 2-4 King James Bible

Next, we Identify What Works. Allegiance to the US Constitution as Demonstrated by Leaders who are shown to Deny Blood Money by Revealing their Personal Wealth Since taking Office. Retaining Those Proven to be Operating with Ethical Best Practices helps Strengthen Consenting Governed Authority

Our ethical business models regulated by leaders who cannot be bought inspires the people to lend our creative power and work ethic, and so fosters PUBLIC TRUST and GDP. In 246 years, we rose to super power upon belief and protection of our US Constitution. Our financial systems belong to We the People by CONSENTING GOVERNED AUTHORITY.

We the People Shaped the Ethical US Constitutionally Protected Financial System; NOT Billionaires

Our collective wealth and ethics based systems that build our allegiance and alliance with other nations must not be utilized to support the criminal wealth by destruction or oppression of our own people nor the peoples of other nations.

So now we must seize the opportunity today, to invest in the greatest resource on earth, humanity. Why? Knowledge comes from nurturing and supporting We the People. Knowledge and truth that form ethical best practices are valued for common reference to build the public trust and so the wealth of every nation. So you must stop being stupid, and begin investing ethically in We the People, are we CLEAR?

Do Unto Others as You Would Have Others Do Unto You gets an Upgrade. Do Humanity: Invest in Regenerative Reality and Build Public Trust. You Cannot One Up the US Constitution’s Consenting Governed Business Model for Profitability and National Security, WHICH INCLUDES YOUR OWN PERSONAL SECURITY, So Create Your Desired Outcome by Investing in HUMANITY.

Drawing hands, 1948, 33×28 cm by Maurits Cornelis Escher: History, Analysis & Facts. Arthive. (n.d.).

If Your Immediate Response Is; Dave, I’m a Billionaire. I Don’t Need Others, I’m Self Made:

You are tragically ill advised and heading for great loss. So, you will need to pay closest attention.

Magna Carta 1215: I’m Free So Don’t Mess With Me or My Property – Signed by King John

Image Retrived January 21, 2024 from Magna carta at 800: What is the “great charter”? Channel 4 News. (2015, June 15).

+ (39) No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land.

Magna Carta 1215 National Archives UK,the%20law%20of%20the%20land.

Apparently, We Would Not Need a Magna Carta, or a US Constitution Nor Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment if…

Public Trust was not a factor for your accumulating wealth and safety? So you believe yourself to be self made? You’re an arrogant imbecile. History proves you to be so.

Academic, Governmental and Commercial Leaders all Realize that Wealth is Derived from Ethical Agreement and Looting is Derived of Theft, no Matter if Public Systems are Masterminded to be Looted by Leaders

There is no such thing as a self-made man. We are made up of thousands of others. Every one who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.

George Matthew Adams August 23, 1878 – October 29, 1962 American Columnist

A King Who Feared for His Life, Agreed to National Security Policy

Do you believe King John would have signed an agreement to protect the Nobles had they not threatened his throne? How much less a people who have been outright fleeced by what is now seen globally as a Billionaire Nobility made fat off the Systemic Digital Fraud of 8 billion people?

Magna Carta Upgrade? Rights Become Common to Citizens by Consenting Governed Authority

USA’s Founding Fathers were much Smarter than King John’s Nobles and way more Intelligent than Silicon Valley Digital Tyrants of 2024

The Founding Fathers realized the only way to stop the people from discovering public trust was a US Constitution designed to keep them in power and to prevent themselves from becoming seen as tyrants. So what went wrong? How did we get Digital Tyrants?

Founding Fathers Excluded We the People the True Authority of a Consenting Governed, from Identification in the 3 Branches of Government

So, by convincing We the People as a Consenting Governed and declaring all men are created equal, they cleverly retained authority themselves through wealth and stature. The 3 branches did not include the primary branch. We are about to FIX the US Constitution.

In 2024, We the People Go All the Way Up

Fat Joe, Remy Ma – all the way up ft. French Montana, infared. YouTube. (2016, March 26).

Coming Up in Part 2… The Int’l Strategy: Worker/Owner Investment

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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