Profit Humanity: The Only INT’L Business Model Part 2

Digital Tyrants, Believing to have Cleverly Laundered Trillions in Ill Gotten Gain through Spending Bill Subsidies and Systems Fraud, Today Face USA’s Consenting Governed Authority: Citizens Responding by Creating the Global Market for a FULL ON We the People Authority. Effectively Leveraging the Common Identity of 8 Billion AQUARIANS, to be led by a 28th Amendment Written by Wanna be POTUS #47 Dave Campbell of Michigan, USA

Humanity is inescapable. Revolving door collusion used to elevate oneself above humanity ultimately manifests as deadly delusion.

Dave Campbell, Founder Aquarian SAGE University Project and author of 28th Constitutional Amendment to position a 4th branch of US Government as the 1st: the Authoritative Branch, We the People

Ghandi’s Prophet Driven and Profitable Warning to the Tyrant, Mussolini

Ghandi met the Tyrant, Mussolini, Face to Face at the Vatican December 12, 1931 Image Retrieved January 31, 2024 from: Niagara, S. (n.d.). “remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers…” QUOTES For YOU!

America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave? And where is the Authority (THE BRAVERY) of our We the People Consenting Governed Citizenship as Promised by the US Constitution? I’m Gonna Show You Now

After 246 years, undervalued and over taxed Americans, having our free markets looted by colluding leaders, are tired of by-standing the imperialism. Under the promise of democracy all Americans suffer the impacts of human trafficking, murder and theft at the hands of networks operating on US soil.

Oligarchs and US Systems Fraud Billionaires are Rapidly Losing Credibility for Damaging US and Global Free Markets and so Global Society is Looking for Answers to Put an End to this New Variant of Imperialism called Kleptocracy

Kleptopia by Tom Burgis. YouTube. (2020, September 1). Retrieved February 1, 2024

From the Big Short on to the Proposed AI Legislation; Algorithm Bias and Clever Systems Fraud all has the Same Outcome: Imperialist Billionaires Get Richer and Free Society Slowly Dies

The Big Short Investors who lost $9.4 billion. YouTube. (2023, September 15). Retrieved February 1, 2024

The Deets on US Digital System Fraud

Colluding with oligarchs and criminal intelligence, US and UK elitists launder blood money mixed with illegal subsidies. That stolen money ends up in the increasingly valueless digital accounts of old and new billionaires as a testament to the growing insider market intelligence and availability of criminal intelligence to board members and senior staffers emerging from revolving door nepotism; their resumes depict allegiance to creeds clearly NOT American. Think! What can be done with a wink and a nod, or a bushy mustache gone sideways?

Before You Buy the Memoir, Take a Look at John Bolton’s Book The Room Where It Happened Page 5

Revolving Door Credentials Image Retrieved February 1st, 2024 from Bolton says Trump “unfit” to be president in New Memoir Intro. (n.d.).

Page 5 Photo by David Campbell Retrieved February 1, 2024. Bolton, J. (2020). <> room where it happened: A White House Memoir. Simon & Schuster.

Let’s Put a Stop to the Groom and Plug Closed Loop Digital Tyrant War Economy

Dave Campbell warns Digital Tyrants: Public Trust Matters. History Goes Upside Down for Tyrants

Temporary Glory: Tyrants Stealing from the Gross Domestic Product find out the actual Cost, But How Much Money do the Bank Owners Make off 40 Million Casualties? Image Retrieved January 31, 2024 from: John Williams. (2023, December 25). The death of Benito Mussolini, the deposed Italian fascist dictator, after he was summarily executed by an Italian partisan in the small… Quora.

Al Capone Buy In: Preachers Sell Philanthropy, Financiers Sell Hyperbole and Politicians Sell Subsidies

Who takes home the tax payers money? Criminal Billionaires. But for how long?

US Citizens and Government Workers Realizing that a Few Hundred Rogue Leaders having no Allegiance to the USA nor to Any Nation, have Succeeded in Integrating US Financial and Banking Systems to Launder Blood, Drug, Human Trafficking and Mob Money, Making USA’s Once Honorable Citizenship Stink before the Entire World.

Q: Does that mean our hands our bloody just because we are citizens of the USA? A: Absolutely, yes.

Q: Is There a Way Out of this God Awful Mess, Without Collapsing the Entire Global Economy? A: YES

Instead of panic and further falling Into the tyrant’s strategy of declaring Marshal Law, We the People must reach out now as 8 Billion global citizens, all of us weary of being systemically drawn into the bloody crimes of Imperialism’s crime families colluding with corporate and government leaders, and realize our common identity to take our AUTHORITY and drive out tyranny in an ethical, peaceful and prosperous manner.

Imperialism’s Imbecile Tyrants Kill, Steal and Destroy the Source of their own Wealth. They Kill because its Easy to Kill and Go Unpunished; In fact, We Reward Them with our Taxes as if God Himself Smiled on his Anointed. Clearly the Pisces Age Imperialists mistranslated Scripture to the Detriment of God’s Children

We the People must put an end to this destructive Imperialism by creating wealth in a manner that makes the criminals appear to the entire world as incompetent imbeciles; so reprehensible as to be seen as killers of their own children, which in reality, they are indeed.

These robbers of humanity are stifling their own prosperity by fixating on digital readouts that grow increasingly valueless with each market they destroy. Time to close the door on Imperialism for good.

Robert the Bruce from Braveheart: My Hate will Die With You. Shuts the Door. A Strong Metaphor for Aquarians Departing the Cold Blooded Killers and Warmongering Economy of Imperialism

Robert the bruce – you deceived me. YouTube. (2017, March 15). Retrieved February 1, 2024

Ezekiel Prophecy of Aquarian Age Creed: our Young United States is About to Have the Authority of We The People Planted in the First Position of the US Constitution

Thus says the Lord GOD: “I will take also one of the highest branches of the high cedar and set it out. I will crop off from the topmost of its young twigs a tender one, and will plant it on a high and prominent mountain.

Book of Ezekiel Chapter 17 v 22 Authorized King James Edition

Jesus Offers the Same Prophecy of the Power of Humanity to Receive the Authority of Knowledge from the Upper Room (Heavens) The Real Room Where It Happens Appears to Be a Forthcoming University where Astrology is Studied and Applied. A man with a Jug of Water? Aquarius. A Christ in US.

He answered, “When you enter the city, a man carrying a jug of water will meet you. Follow him to the house he enters, Then you shall say to the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says to you, “Where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with My disciples?” And he will show you a large upper room, already furnished. Make preparations there.”

Gospel of Luke 22 vs 10 – 12 Authorized King James Version Holy Bible

The Highest Branch of any Creed, the Highest Outcome of any Human Endeavor: Human Nurture

By integrating Dave Campbell’s proposed Global Common Law of Human Nurture as the Primary Global Law, and moving quickly to design build the Aquarian SAGE University, Global leaders agree on David’s plan to uplift the value of Humanity to its rightful place in Law as the first Branch of any Creed.

The Awareness Campaign is Underway

The common reference to Astrology and the Aquarian Age is the perfect and timely leverage that will be used to create a massive global awareness campaign already in progress. The Authority to determine one’s self and one’s nation worthy of heaven’s grace in the face of this self obliterating mess called Imperialism? Oh you bet it; Game On.

Here is Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment of the US Constitution. Yes, its for the US Citizens, but will become a Standard for Global Citizens who Desire Self Governance in a Consenting Governed Society

Like King John’s Nobles in Part 1: Under Duress Imperialism Falls to Aquarian Age Identity and Humanitarianism

Through David Campbell’s strategic worker owner Projects, 8 billion global citizens begin a Massive Global Worker Owner Movement. We the People develop ethical common law; References prohibiting grand collusion, systemic fraud and the business of profiting off war and human trafficking or any such criminal enterprises.

All Criminal Activity is Hereby Ordered to Cease by Authority of We the People, all 8 Billion of US

With fresh awareness of citizenship culpability for supporting fraudulent subsidies, hyped investments and the destroying by degrees their own US gross domestic product economy by unwittingly using UK’s ITIL and US Sox Act for laundering blood money, a slow boil in the Consenting Governed is beginning to match and soon will wax hotter and more forceful than the Billionaire blood lust for grand collusion.

A Leader is Born out of Necessity of Public Trust, Capable of Revitalizing the US Government and Commerce, Unafraid to Identify and Remove Tyrants and to Punish Oath Breakers

Disillusioned from hyped digital numeric fixation, Americans quickly agree with David Campbell’s sweeping ethical common law movement to release themselves from the culpability of crime by association, to wash their hands of the blood of children from the terrorism on US Soil as well as the Wars we did not want and yet paid for.

The Traceable Crimes of Digital Tyranny, Financial Terrorism and School Shootings Point to Billionaires

Money that was obtained by fraud knowingly or unknowingly is traceable and soon will be well known around the world. Why will it be traceable? We will make it so. Here’s how:

Our Worries Have Morphed Well Past Losing Property Ownership as Systems Fraud Launders Blood Money

For Congress Considering to Pass Fraudulent and Biased AI Legislation, Take a Look at Who is Watching You. Medusa Image Retrieved January 28, 2024 from JB Bilotti. (n.d.). Something wicked this way comes the scariest most beautiful … Playground.

Who is Medusa, Really? She is the Honesty, the Ring of Truth Crying Out from the Victims of Rape, Murder, Collusion, Slavery and War. Turning Liars into Stone? Don’t Look Now, Stone is the Phonetic Anagram of Honest, which, if We admit, as Humanity, We have NOT been Regarding our Bravery

What Exactly Do We the People Do Now? Identify the Most Egregious Crime as Kleptocracy, and REPENT

The Damage of Kleptocracy is currently perfected in Digital Tyranny a Particularly Seditious Blend of Financial Terror and Cleverly Hyped Technology Resulting in Systems Fraud. So Cleverly Integrated into the Public Trust, the Collusion between Oligarch, US and UK Commercial / Government Leaders Money Laundering is Such that there is no Longer a Question of Our Personal Culpability for Murder: the Question Since the integration of ITIL and Sox Act Systems and Covid, EV and now Ai Subsidies Fraud, is How Many People a Day am I Killing as a US Citizen Participating in the US GDP Economy?

David Campbell US POTUS #47 Strategist and Write In Candidate Hopeful

Adept With the Knowledge that Digital Systems Fraud is far more Dubious and Damning than Having Created Illegal Economy, Senators Race to Pass ILLEGAL AI Legislation and Continue to Hype It’s Benefits to Society While Tearing the Consenting Governed’s Primary Document, the US Constitution into Shreds

If our desire is to stop contributing to a blood money economy, and rather to recall our honorable role as free and just citizens content with building the PUBLIC TRUST and pleased to contribute our SOVEREIGN and ETHICAL GDP, then what we must center our decisions in business around is the prosperity of our greatest resources, our fellow consenting governed citizens and 8 billion+ other human beings. We must become Regenerative in all aspects of commerce, governance and academia. Here’s how:

David Campbell, Founder Aquarian SAGE University project concept

Tyranny is the Outcome of Stupid Human Beings in Leadership that Persist in Collusion

Killing children to produce batteries that everyone knows are not capable of reducing the greenhouse gas signature, but rather have become a hyped reasoning for acquiring government subsidies presents the stupidity of global leadership in present times. A criminal business model is killing children for government subsidies. Argue that if you can. Now, as a reader, you understand that because you make fast money on stocks doesn’t make you a wise investor, it actually may identify you as a digitally numeric fixated pathological cold blooded killer. Why? Because now you see a direct connection between your manipulated, hyped and greedy finger and the death of humanity.

Here’s an Idea, Invest in Humanity.

Adam Smith’s Interdependent Imperialism Hype Bested by Escher’s Hand: Clearly the Mother of Invention is Regenerative Reality. Human Nurture is the First and Most Profitable Global Common Law

Hand with reflecting Globe by M.C. Escher. Art Renewal Center. (n.d.). Image accessed January 20, 2024

Let Go of Imperialism. Its Killing You, and its Killing Everyone Else, even the Digital Tyrants

Adam Smith Agrees to Pass AI Legislation that Neuters and Destroys Humanity, Profiting Nobody

Image Retrieved January 20, 2024 from Havens, J. C. (2019a, February 27). Maximizing shareholder profits is a great way to destroy humanity. Quartz.

Digital Tyrants Subsidize Human Trafficking and Draft AI Legislation to Upgrade from Plausible Deniability to Zero Accountability

Image Retrieved January 20, 2024 from Malik, S. (2022, May 20). Series on digital colonialism: The bloody footprint of our Digital Devices.

You Now Know What to Do. Here is the Link to Pass on to Your local News. Also Support the YouTube Channels, the Web Blogs and if You are Capable of Starting Up a Project, Welcome Aboard, We are About to Change the World.

Time to Celebrate, We have a Plan, its the Thing to Do. Please Enjoy Three Dog Night Joy to the World with Special Appearance by the Michigan Frog

Three dog night-joy to the world-jeremiah was a bullfrog. YouTube. (2008, February 9). Retrieved February 1, 2024

Here is the Press Release, Kindly Forward it to your Local Newspaper or Favorite Social Media Platform

If you pass it on to a friend or leader, then you have at least helped to spread the word. Here is what I need now. Prayer! People to Comment! We the People to BELIEVE in We the People!

IF THIS VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT RINGS TRUE, THEN YOU ARE CAPABLE OF CONTRIBUTING TO SOCIETY: VISION REGENERATIVE REALITY and MISSION PUBLIC TRUST. If you dismiss my iteration of common law of human nurture and the above information as “just another liar on the internet”, then you are by your own ignorance and carelessness the person who needs my leadership the most. My leadership is in effect OUR LEADERSHIP, that means you are in charge of contributing to the FREE AND THE BRAVE. You can do it. Heed this information and spread it around the world. Don’t deny your own and OUR SUPERPOWER.

DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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