The United Arab Emirates Postures Civil Rights with POTUS 47 Hopeful Dave Campbell’s 28th Constitutional Amendment, Aquarian University & Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust to Attract Workers and Future Citizens of the UAE

Exposed and Floundering, USA/UK Criminal Closed Loop ITIL* Governance Model Diminishes Public Trust by Dehumanizing Workers and Stifling Gross Domestic Product. In Contrast, UAE’s Open Secular Pragmatism Model Generates Public Trust so Attracting a Work Force to Increase GDP

Outcomes? UAE Fosters Public Trust while the USA Emergent Tyranny Destroys Free Markets

Hopeful Expression: Politically Successful and Wearing a Smile UAE’s Pragmatic Secular Government Earns Global Public Trust Featuring Generational Wealth and Family Friendly Lifestyle

Image of Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) in 2021 Accessed March 27, 2024 from Wikimedia Foundation. (2024, March 5). Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. Wikipedia.

*USA/UK Criminal Closed Loop ITIL Governance Model

Desperate, Raging and Globally Humiliated; is Donald Trump Resurrecting UK Imperialism with his “Bloodbath” and Stealing USA’s 246 Years of We the People, in favor of becoming Our 1st US Dictator?

The Manhattan Moron Plays on the Growing Public Sentiment of Distrust in People of Faith Image Retrieved March 27th from

Trump Does Not Represent the USA; He May Attract a Growing Segment Who Demand Rights Consistent with the USA’s Constitution yet are Easily Distracted then Looted by Criminal Leaders, as Well: the Corrupt Government and Commercial Leaders Believe to Hide their Looting of We the People

We the People, after losing years of wealth from our leaders’ betrayal of ethical best practices for easy theft off the public treasure AND after our suffering poverty for refusing a life of crime, having been played by and seduced into paying tithes to Multi Millionaire Jet Setting TV Evangelists and taxes for building Space Ships that launch Surveillance devices, in hopes for Miracles, the simple flock, many disgruntled Evangelical Americans look to the False Jesus, Trumps “Genius” and speak openly of killing demonic Liberals?

Such a display of sentiment is the result of years of propaganda by foreign and domestic families of great wealth working with criminal intelligence payed for by the consenting governed USA citizens. No? You don’t believe I have the capacity to understand long term enemy strategy against myself and my people? Think again:

GlobalDave🌐leaderchallenge. YouTube. (2024, February 8).
Retrieved April 4, 2024

As USA’s Government and Commercial Leadership Self Exposes as Tyranny with an Attempt to take the CIA’s Plausible Deniability to a Nearly Zero Accountability God Says So Status with Proposed SAFE Ai Legislation, Intelligent Global Leaders Instead See the Fall of Imperialism Due to the Collapse of a Financial System based not in Public Trust, but Instead on Subsidies Fraud lending to the Self Identification of Billionaires Looting the National Treasury (denying consenting governed authority, the willingness and good will, the public trust) in Violation to Constitutional Laws that Allow for the Growth of a Historically Robust GDP as a Direct Result of Free Markets only Possible by Maintaining a Consenting Governed Citizenship and a Global Rise of We the People the Aquarian Age.

Convinced that Investing in Public Trust will Position UAE for Realizing Extreme Profits, Currying International Favor with Global Citizens from Every Nation, MBZ bows to himself as the newest member of an 8 billion strong Aquarian Age Humanity, and befriends a Cosmic Emperor, a class clown, a healer of the nations, the Antichrist himself, YouTube’s David Campbell, from the USA

MBZ Recognizes David Campbell’s Appeal to Build the Aquarian SAGE University main campus, UAE

2 + 2 = 4 And if not, no Kingdom will Stand for very long at all

🇺🇸dave’24 cash initiative projects. YouTube. (2024a, February 9).
Retrieved April 4, 2024

MBZ, let’s Discuss my Projects, there are Many and why not let the people manage the Horses and Race and compete Every year for the Joy of Humanity. Enough of Wars, Let us Move Forward: we will build Public Trust and so, we will all live.

DAVE ’24 Press Release For US Presidential Campaign Announced August 16, 2023

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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