Dave Campbell Introduces MII-KE’s Cultural Vision For Unprecedented Profitability

Photo By David Campbell

Well, first, we aim to staff our projects with outcome-based creators, not closed-loop types.  To us, entropy translates to apathy, a disease that is easily associated with board members who decide that feeding off a value chain, rather than supporting and nurturing a value chain is somehow profitable.  In great contrast, MII-KE’s operations appeal to intelligent leaders:

  1. Innovators, entrepreneurs, experienced executives, highly skilled workers, administrators and investors.
  2. Leaders who believe it is more profitable to make money ethically:  Visionaries ready to strengthen processes, eager to prove new capability in accessing markets, not elite authoritarians adjusting operations using dash board metrics to sell off assets to fatten up their personal stock portfolios. 
  3. Trust Buster mindset like Teddy Roosevelt.  Willing to defeat kleptocracy through creative strategy and ethical business models.
  4. Men and women with the patience, vision, and durability for assembling and directing an unprecedented moving-target style project development system.  
  5. “Angel Executives” who work both remotely and on site, inspiring people from all over the country, all focused on the same goal.

First of Kind High Ticket Manufacturing Investment Projects

Next, our projects will always be first of kind.  There will be no previous project from which to cut and paste from.  While expertise in project management may be helpful, creativity will be most prized here.  So, all of our business models will evolve using inputs direct from our project team participants.  Further, we plan to retain 100% of our knowledge workers and highly skilled project team members and deploy them to incoming projects.  We feel the truest value of any business is the people and we aim to prove this to the world.  

Knowledge acquisition is the highest prize at MII-KE.  We refuse to collect, hoard, or trade personal data because that violates the most fundamental aspect of a free society.  We will have a peculiar culture at MII-KE.  If you worship money, or bow to wealth, we don’t want you.

David Campbell, Originator, Michigan Innovation Intermediary & Knowledge Exchange

0% Project Failure Rate

MII-KE will become known for our ability to offer low risk innovation investment for extremely high-ticket manufacturing expenditure.  Our goal is to take the traditional 90% rate of big-ticket innovation investment failure to 0% failure.  

We Respect Knowledge and Value Our People and Society

We respect knowledge first. Profitability comes from ethical strategy and well-designed operations, not from money.  Money is a tool, not an overarching authority here.  If you are an investor group looking for MII-KE to make you money, we will politely send you home.  If you are an investment group who believes human knowledge is the highest source of profitability, and you are capable of checking your authority at the door and willing to defer to MII-KE’s knowledge and processes, then you will gain far more than money, you will gain repeated opportunity to work with us.

Money is a tool, not an overarching authority here.  If you are an investor group looking for MII-KE to make you easy money, we will politely send you home. 

David Campbell, Originator, Michigan Innovation Intermediary & Knowledge Exchange

MII-KE Is Not A Shark Tank

There is no shark tank here. Our processes will hold the authority and power for success.  If your project proposal does not meet our process requirements, you will not be permitted to invest at MII-KE.   Once you invest with MII-KE, you check your authority and power at the front door and wait.  

Dave Campbell Short Video By David Campbell (MII-KE Timestamp 3:45)

About the Author

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former
US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual
Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

Learn More at Dave Campbell Shorts: Knowledge Leadership


One thought on “Dave Campbell Introduces MII-KE’s Cultural Vision For Unprecedented Profitability

  1. Excellent ideas presented in a straight forward manner. These are ideas that invite scrutiny, conversation and our attention.

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