“All Trillion Dollar Corporations and Billionaire Families Will Adapt My POTUS 47 Strategy. Why? First, Because I have Embarrassed them by Superior Doctrine, a Global High Creed, Introduced as the 28th Amendment Draft…” David Campbell, Michigan

To Avoid Financial Collapse, Leaders Must Learn How to Count to 28 by Four

Dave Campbell Knowledge Leader. “🇺🇸Dave’24 Direct Hit.” YouTube, 16 July 2024, youtu.be/7US3IW89lDw. Accessed 17 July 2024.

The 28th Amendment Draft Revitalizes Public Trust and sets Global Precedent for Defeating Tyranny

A global outcry against billionaires for the destruction of free market economy calls for a global High Creed. In the Preamble, We the People is established as representing consenting governed authority. Constructed in three parts, our US Governmental Model falls short of identifying We the People having any identifiable authoritative role. This is about to change for the betterment of We the People.

Closing the Door to Further Abuses: Stop Disrespecting We the People

By omitting the Highest Branch of consenting governed authority, the founding Fathers allowed elite citizens appointed as government servants to manage an apparently increasingly corruptible barrier between tyrants and We the People. So tyranny and collusion although appearing to have been put down, actually may have simply been appearing now as lying dormant, while in reality, through secret affiliations, elite societies have been growing strong roots in the USA that have supplied influence and directed outcomes of every Branch of Government.

New and Old Money Families, Globally Connected, Presiding over US and International Commerce; Colluding for 248 years? How do you Hide that Wealth? You Claim it belongs to International Corporations and Protect it as Trillions of US Dollars in Cash Reserves via Digital Systems Fraud

The betterment of those having taken oath to serve We the People, instead honor blood oaths to societies existing long before the US Constitution. Considering themselves Patriots and of superior intellect and dignity they leverage the labor and intellectual benefits of US Citizens to fatten family trusts. Sitting atop the highest vantage points of commercial, governance and academic administration, with experience available through of years of revolving doors concealing secret communications of those that sit on boards as well as run governmental affairs, the modern billionaires have apparently no shame as they buy Supreme Court decisions.

Creating the Closed Loop Shareholder Value Economy to Hide the Looting from GDP Economy

Billionaires arrogantly break laws as their net cash reserves now valued in the trillions of US dollars soar high above We the People. So, finding it easier to loot and get away with it, the billionaires avoid any markets that actually involve investing to better the actual gdp economy and this is where the billionaire walk of shame comes in.

The Billionaire Walk of Shame: A Global Hoot as Billionaires Go Into Reparation Mode after Being Bested by an Ordinary Average Guy who Happened to be Smarter and Proved it to the World

After breaking us apart through every possible means, billionaires too stupid to realize they have destroyed the Global GDP and thus have exposed themselves as the bad guys in the world now have to watch as We the People regain our dignity. The self exposed evidence is the cash reserves and in their arrogant law breaking. Short of declaring outright looting and demanding reparation be paid to We the People, which is forthcoming peacefully through best practices and lawful seizures as necessary, I thought best to address this egregious error of US Leadership beginning with my 28th Amendment Draft. This High Creed in four ordered branches, establishes We the People as the 1st Branch of US Government:

The 28th Amendment – Working Draft

A Fourth Branch of Government, The Authoritative Branch, We The People, is to be established as the first branch of government, preceding the executive branch and completing a four part model of governance that calls for the identification of consenting governed citizens to include all citizens of the United States Of America, not excluding those citizens of the United States serving in the executive, legislative or judicial branches. 

Four Branches Of United States Government – Conceptual Model For Self-Governed Citizens

  1. Authoritative Branch We The People
  2. Executive Branch
  3. Legislative Branch
  4. Judicial Branch


To strike permanent, clear and immutable understanding that the identity of the United States citizen is a consenting governed identity consisting of four branches of government whereby the hallmark of our freedom from tyranny centers on the self evidence that all people are created equal, and the freedoms we enjoy are not to be diminished by oppressive abusers of the rule of law.

No citizen of the United States of America shall be considered inferior to any other citizen regardless of any demographic or implied positional authority.  Thus reaffirming the rights and privileges afforded the US Citizen are not undermined by the wealth or resources of any citizen over another. 

Dave Campbell’s 28th Amendment Draft Published March 28, 2022

Why Billionaire Mentality Yields Tyrant Behaviors in Leaders? Digital Numeric Fixation

Tyranny follows an historical model of societal failure: a tyrant feels entitled to more return for less investment so view regulatory process and justice a hindrance to amassing monetary gain. With murder and theft as ugly and necessary business models, tyrants refer to collusion as a best practice. Criminals gained such success, the white collar crimes of yesterday have morphed into agency capture.

Systemic Fraud Enticed by Shareholder Value Accelerates Agency Capture

Criminal enterprise left unchecked by consenting governed authority results in a devaluation of currency and so lack of consenting governed power. We the People, the American Dreamers, have been lured into apathy through retirement pension focus. Unwittingly steered away from Christ’s Word, the doctrines of love the neighbor, public trust instead was taught by pastors as the pursuit of legacy. While we were all getting rich, we did not see ourselves as being outplayed by tyrants. The play by tyrants is shareholder value; an increased numerical readout in an individual portfolio was not assessed by we the people as a simultaneous looting of the GDP. Shareholder Value is how Billionaires got We the People in on the take.

Understanding the Authority of Common Reference, in a WORD

4And when they came to Jesus, they besought him instantly, saying, That he was worthy for whom he should do this: 5For he loveth our nation, and he hath built us a synagogue. 6Then Jesus went with them. And when he was now not far from the house, the centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord, trouble not thyself: for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof: 7Wherefore neither thought I myself worthy to come unto thee: but say in a word, and my servant shall be healed. 8For I also am a man set under authority, having under me soldiers, and I say unto one, Go, and he goeth; and to another, Come, and he cometh; and to my servant, Do this, and he doeth it9When Jesus heard these things, he marvelled at him, and turned him about, and said unto the people that followed him, I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel. 10And they that were sent, returning to the house, found the servant whole that had been sick.

Gospel of Luke Chapter 7 verses 4 – 10 King James Version

Bringing the Authority of We the People from the Preamble to the First Branch of Government

As in the Gospel account above, a Jesus, a teacher known for use of paradox, metaphor and asking people to think of society over self, praised a Centurion who also understood that organization and society thrive in health or stagger in disease based on use of common references, or the obedience of acceptable commands. Jesus is referred to as Word made flesh, a metaphorical reference to being alive and healthy because of leadership decisions. This is not about preaching, it is about how you value or devalue the common laws of our nation. When the We the People become the Constitution, as in Consenting Governed Authority, everyone gets bettered because healthy society relies on adherence to common references.

Unpacking the Paradox of Consenting Governed Authority in the USA Makes Every Person a Law Giver Law Writer and Law Abider and So Honoring One Another by Just Saying a Good Word Keeps the Burden of Health and Safety in the Mouths of the Governed. Reciprocation of Honor Prevents Evil

With the 28th Amendment of the Constitution. We the People finally establish that the duty of the Centurion belongs to US by virtue of our consenting governed entitlement, our Citizenship. As We the People moves from Preamble to 1st Branch, We the People SECURE THE ROLE AND DUTY OF SOVEREIGN APPOINTED AUTHORITY. No WORDS that we do not AUTHORIZE can be used to put us to the Servitude of BILLIONAIRES, TYRANTS or PRESIDENTS who do NOT FOLLOW OUR WILL TO REMAIN UNITED THROUGH AN ACCEPTABLE LAW BUILT ON COMMON REFERENCES.

Tyrant, Beware. USA Does Not Permit the Breakdown of Society, We the People are Aware of Who is Working to Divide US and the Reason they Want our Money, Our Land and Our Servitude

Photo Credit: Eric Lee. Levy, Pema. “Aileen Cannon Threw out the Trump Documents Case—Just like Clarence Thomas Wanted.” Mother Jones, 15 July 2024, www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/07/aileen-cannon-trump-documents-clarence-thomas-jack-smith/. Accessed 15 July 2024.

My Speech Ready to Deliver as a POTUS 47 Independent

“Billionaires are self-exposed imbeciles. Why? Billionaires arrogantly loot the source of wealth and foolishly flaunt looted public money as if they sourced it by the power of their own wits. Mobsters historically collude with government and commercial leaders as public money theft requires insider access. Yesterdays white collar crime is now agency capture.

At this advanced stage of systemic fraud, we are witnessing blatant tyranny; secrecy has morphed into financial terrorism. National pride as brave and free based on public trust is threatened by iconic bullies using outrageous words that strike fear instead of inspire unity. We the People unwittingly and systemically fund tyrants to the detriment of our safety and free market development. Our American Dream? We Invest in taxes, subsidies and stocks that simultaneously builds billionaire nobility and destroys the hope for American reality.

To be a Billionaire in 2024 is clearly insanity – Not the mark of human intellectual superiority. Why? US & global finance, accounting and banking systems are used to systematically launder dirty money. So, resolving the tyranny Issue is key to restoring the source of wealth; public trust and GDP.

Obviously, closed loop market investment and war do not produce GDP, so mobsters, oligarchs and corrupt leaders have no option but to jettison crime and turn back to ethical investment in public trust to restore free markets and to regain an ethical and so common referenced source of wealth as the US Dollar used to represent to the USA and the World.

Diagnosis and Strategy: I have made truthful arguments and I am initiating a profitable plan to reestablish ethical best practices. All trillion dollar corporations and billionaire families will adapt my strategy. Why? First, because I have embarrassed them by superior doctrine, a global high creed introduced as the 28th Amendment draft. To lend themselves to the global support forthcoming by virtue of the 28th Amendment is obviously the only path available to them for saving face. Ultimately the so called elites agree David Campbell’s POTUS 47 Strategy is key to saving the global economy from eminent collapse.” – David Campbell, Michigan

About the Author

PH3 (DV) David Campbell, US Navy 1987

Born in Genesee County, Flint, Michigan in 1964.
Resident of Grand Traverse County since 1992.
Dave Campbell is an honorably discharged First-Class Petty Officer and former US Navy Diver. He earned his BA in Business Management and Organizational Development from Spring Arbor University in Traverse City, MI in 2007 and went on to earn a dual Master of Business Administration and Master of Science in Global Operations and Project Management from Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, MI in 2013.

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