The United Arab Emirates Postures Civil Rights with POTUS 47 Hopeful Dave Campbell’s 28th Constitutional Amendment, Aquarian University & Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust to Attract Workers and Future Citizens of the UAE

Exposed and Floundering, USA/UK Criminal Closed Loop ITIL* Governance Model Diminishes Public Trust by Dehumanizing Workers and Stifling Gross Domestic Product. In Contrast, UAE’s Open Secular Pragmatism Model Generates Public Trust so Attracting a Work Force to Increase GDP Outcomes? UAE Fosters Public Trust while the USA Emergent Tyranny Destroys Free Markets Hopeful Expression: Politically … Continue reading The United Arab Emirates Postures Civil Rights with POTUS 47 Hopeful Dave Campbell’s 28th Constitutional Amendment, Aquarian University & Son of David Global Bank of the Public Trust to Attract Workers and Future Citizens of the UAE